Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Meet Your New Officers

Meet Nicole!
Name: Nicole M.
Position next year: President
Birthday: July 29th
Eye color: blue or green, depends on the season
Born: California- Bay area
Siblings: one younger brother
Involved in: Key Club, FBLA, IB, D.A.R.E., volunteer at other places
Favorite food: lasagna or shrimp
Favorite dessert: chocolate cake with vanilla ice-cream
Favorite vacation spot: Cancún, MX
Favorite color: bright, light yellow 
Sports I play: Tennis and running…use to play soccer
Random: I want to be a private speech pathologist when I grow up to help younger kids

Get To Know Karyl!
Hey Key Club I am Karyl K.. I am your new Vice President and I just want to share a little about me. I am an incoming sophomore now and I played on the JV soccer team this year, I am also the new Human Relations officer for the sophomore class. I ran on the track team also this year and had a blast (you should come join next year). Academic-wise I am a 4.0 student and I am taking a few advanced classes.
I am really excited for this next year, Key Club is going to be GREAT! I really enjoyed litter patrol this year along with the bell ringing for the Salvation Army. I have many new things for this coming year and I can promise it is going to be fun.

Tidbits About Rachel!
Name: Rachel B.
Grade next year: Senior!
Position: Secretary
Birthday: August 6th
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Siblings: None
Involved in: Key Club, FBLA, NHS, IB
Favorite Vacation Spot: A beach in Cali
Favorite Fast Food: In-N-Out Burger
Favorite Color: light blue
Sports: Dance...used to be on the dance team
I'm excited to be secretary for next year and get really involved with Key Club!

Here's Lisa, your new Treasurer and BRAND SPANKIN’ NEW BLOGMASTER!
Hola me llamo Lisa :), for those of you who don't understand the simple español, it means "hello my name is Lisa :)." That's really all you need to know, there's really nothing interesting about me :), OH! I want to cut dead people up as a living! :) haha adios.

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